The jigs and fixtures are the economical ways to produce a component in mass. So jigs
and fixtures are used and serve as one of the most important facility of mass production
system. These are special work holding and tool guiding device. Quality of the
performance of a process largely influenced by the quality of jigs and fixtures used for
this purpose. What makes a fixture unique is that each one is built to fit a particular part
or shape. The main purpose of a fixture is to locate and in the cases hold a workpiece
during an operation. A jig differs from a fixture in the sense that it guides the tool to its
correct position or towards its correct movement during an operation in addition to
locating and supporting the workpiece.
An example of jig is when a key is duplicated, the original key is used as base for the
path reader which guides the movement of tool to make its duplicate key. The path
reader of a CWC machine here works as a jig and the original is called template.
Sometimes the template and jig both are the name of same part of a manufacturing
1 Introduction
2 Purpose and Advantages of Jigs and Fixtures
3 Important Considerations while Designing Jigs and Fixtures
4 Meaning of Location
5 Principles of Locations
6 Different Methods Used for Locations
7 Clamping
8 Different Types of Clamps
9 Jigs
10 Different Types of Jigs
11 Fixtures
12 Summary
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