Author: Ankit Fadia.
Ankit Fadia is an independent computer security consultant. He runs a program on computer security for corporates in alliance with Reliance Info.
Ankit went to Delhi Public School, R K Puram for school. He started a website called "HackingTruths". At 15, his book on Ethical Hacking made him the youngest author to be published by Macmillan India.
Fadia has also sponsored Singapore Management University's "Ankit Fadia Information Security Award", which consisted of a $500 cash prize and Certificate and was given for two years to "an outstanding student" in the Information Security and Trust Course under the Bachelor of Science (Information System Management) degree.
EBooks in this post:
* Ankit Fadia Hacking Guide
* Batch file programming - Ankit Fadia
* Defacing Websites A Step By Step Process By Ankit Fadia
* Untold Windows Tips And Secrets (Ankit Fadia)
* Dos Attacked
* Fadia, Ankit - Encryption Algorithms Explained
* FTP Exploits by Ankit Fadia
* Tracing IP,DNS,WHOIS-nsLOOKUP (Ankit Fadia)
* Transparent proxies with Squid By Ankit fadia
* Truths!!!--What they Don�t teach in Manuals!!!
* Base64 Encoding Torn Apart
* Closing open holes
* Firewalls
* Gathering info on Remote host
* Hacking into linux
* More Password cracking decrypted
* Removing banners from your site
* Sendmail and beyond
* SSL Torn apart
* Transparent proxies in squid
Download free pdf Ankit Fadia Hacking Ebooks collection - All in one

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