This book Basic Fluid Mechanics is revised and enlarged by the addition of four chapters on Hydraulic Machinery and is now titled as Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. The authors hope this book will have a wider scope.
This book will be suitable for the courses on Fluid Mechanics and Machinery of the various branches of study of Anna University and also other Indian universities and the Institution of Engineers (India).
Professor Obert has observed in his famous treatise on Thermodynamics that concepts are better understood by their repeated applications to real life situations. A firm conviction of this principle has prompted the author to arrange the text material in each chapter in the following order.
In the first section after enunciating the basic concepts and laws, physical and mathematical models are developed leading to the formulation of relevant equations for the determination of outputs. Simple and direct numerical examples are included to illustrate the basic laws. More stress is on the model development as compared to numerical problems. A section titled �SOLVED PROBLEMS� comes next. In this section more involved derivations and numerical problems of practical interest are solved. The investigation of the effect of influencing parameters for the complete spectrum of values is attempted here. Problems involving complex situations are shown solved in this section. It will also illustrate the range of values that may be expected under different situations. Two important ideas are stressed in this section. These are (1) checking for dimensional homogeneity in the case of all equations derived before these equations can be used and (2) The validation of numerical answers by cross checking. This concept of validation in professional practice is a must in all design situations. In the next section a large number of objective type questions with answers are given.
Physical Properties of FluidsPressure Distribution in FluidsForces on Surfaces Immersed in FluidsBuoyancy Forces and Stability of Floating BodiesFluid Flow-Basic Concepts-HydrodynamicsBernoulli Equation and ApplicationsFlow in Closed Conduits (Pipes)Dimensional AnalysisSimilitude and Model TestingBoundary Layer Theory and Flow Over SurfacesFlow MeasurementsFlow in Open ChannelsDynamics of Fluid FlowHydraulic TurbinesRotodynamic PumpsReciprocating Pumps
Download free pdf Fluid Mechanics and Machinery (2nd edition) : Kothandaraman, Rudramoorthy

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